Note for all non-verified Open Roberta user accounts created before October 2017
In principle, you can choose whether or not to enter an email address when creating an account. However, if you want to share programs - whether with friends or in the gallery - you can now only do so with a verified account for data protection reasons. How to verify your existing Open Roberta account.
- Log in to the Open Roberta Lab.
- In the Lab, select the menu item »login« > »change ...« at the top right and enter your e-mail address in the window. Click on OK.
Attention! If you are under 16, please ask your parents for an e-mail address so that they can verify your account for you. - You (or your parents) will then receive an e-mail from Open Roberta. Click on the link in the message to confirm your e-mail address.
- That's it! As a verified user, you can share your programs and upload them to the gallery.
Do I have to be logged in to program in the Open Roberta Lab?
No. With or without an account - anyone can get started in the Open Roberta Lab and program robots or mini-computers of their choice!
However, you cannot use all the functions in the Open Roberta Lab without an account. Please read the other questions and answers.
What is an Open Roberta account and what do I need it for?
With an Open Roberta account (also known as a user account), you can use extra functions in the Open Roberta Lab: For example, you can save your programs to the Open Roberta Lab database.
And only if you are logged in under your account can you call up and play the programs directly in the »Lab« again and again.
How do I create an Open Roberta account?
An Open Roberta account can be created quickly. Simply go to the menu item »login« > »login ...« > »new« in the Open Roberta Lab. Choose a secure password and a user name (not your real name).
Are you under 16 years old? Then we ask you to enter your parents' e-mail address. Your mother or father will then receive an e-mail from us and can confirm your user account with one click.
How do I choose a user name?
As everywhere at Open Roberta, you can be creative with your username!
Please note: Not everyone on the Internet needs to know your real name - it's better to choose a nickname that you can remember easily, for example:
»IAmBotman«, »RobellaStracciatella«, »Robzilla«, »QueenOfCodes«, »BenedictRobobatch« …
And please note: Inappropriate and offensive pseudonyms will be deleted!
Do I have to enter my e-mail address or my parents' e-mail address?
No. You can also create an Open Roberta account without an e-mail address. However, some functions are only available if you enter your email address. Other users will not be able to see your e-mail address.
Are you under the age of 16? Then we ask you to enter your parents' e-mail address so that they can confirm your account. Your mum or dad will then receive an email from us and can confirm your user account with one click.
What is a verified account?
You can only verify (confirm) your Open Roberta account if you enter an e-mail address when you register. If you are under the age of 16, ask your mother or father if they can register you with their e-mail address.
After registration, we will send a confirmation message to the e-mail address you provided. One click and you have confirmed your Open Roberta account.
Now you can, for example, recover your password if you forget it. If you forget your password and have not entered an e-mail address, you will no longer have access to your account and will have to create a new one.
You can also share your programs with friends and upload them to the gallery so that others can see them.
I or my parents have not yet activated my account - can I still log in?
Yes, even if you or your parents have not yet activated your user account, you can still log in to your user account..
You can then save your programs and access them again at any time in the log-in area. You can also change your password - but not recover it!
To recover your password and use all the extras in Open Roberta, you must confirm your account. If you are under the age of 16, ask your parents to confirm your account.